Thursday, June 4, 2009

Something To Consider

Well today is a big day. Scaffolding is finally going up. The crane arrived this morning and began dropping off the scaffolding and this afternoon it began rising around our building.

But it seems that our minds are otherwise occupied. Our community has been shocked by two recent deaths. Dick Arenschield and Roy Dorton both passed away this week. So perhaps this is a good time for us to refocus and regroup a bit. Can we find in their passing a reminder that something greater is going on here? Maybe Dick and Roy's lives can remind us that while we are attempting to preserve the literal roof over our heads our true comfort and real restoration is found not in our ability to be successful in preserving our buildings but in the promise that God makes to each of us as individuals and as a community -- for all of creation to be precise. That through the life, death and resurection of our Savior Jesus Christ, God is preparing a new life for each and every one of us in the midst of his eternal creative presence. And that is a promise that neither moth nor rust or any amount of foul weather can ever weaken.

Creator of all, we pray for Roy and Dick, and for all those whom
we love but see no longer. Grant to them eternal rest.
light perpetual shine upon them. May their souls and the souls
of all the departed, through your mercy, rest in peace.